I’d like to introduce the movie “Christopher Robin ” . This movie was released in 2018. It was directed by Marc Forster. In 2004, he was nominated for a director prize in the Golden Globe Awards for this movie. The main characters are Christopher Robin and Pooh. The staring main actor are Ewan McGregor. Story Line The stage is London in the United Kingdom and the world of W innie the Pooh, a Disney movie. The Genre is fantasy. Christopher Robin became an adult. He is married, he has a daughter and he is always busy with work. Due to his work, he could’t make time to talk with his family. At such time, suddenly he met Pooh who was playing in the city of London. By meeting with Pooh, Pooh will tell we something really important. Impression I really wanted to see this movie, I went to the movie theater. Looking at this movie, Pooh is so cute and I thought that it was a wonderful movie with interesting scenes and a moving scene...